Unable to Do Linksys WiFi Extender Setup? Here’s the Fix!

Have you tried doing a Linksys extender setup but failed in getting the job done? Are you sure you have followed the correct steps in the exact manner as given in the user manual? Yes? Despite using the correct steps if you couldn’t set your device up then there could be various other reasons that stopped you from completing the task. What they could be and how to overcome these hindrances and set up a Linksys WiFi range extender?

We will help you with this. We are sure after you have walked through this article, you will gain sufficient confidence that resolving the issue and setting up the extender will be piece of cake for you. So, let’s get started!

How to Fix Linksys Extender Setup Issues?

  1. Fix Power Related Issues

Have you connected the Linksys extender and the host router to a non-fluctuating power supply source? If the devices are receiving fluctuating power supply, then you wouldn’t be able to complete the setup process easily. Poor power supply will halt the process in between and you may need to start up again every time. So, before you try to set up your device again, make sure that both devices are plugged into non-damaged power sockets. Also, if the area that you live in has power outage issues, use a UPS at least while doing the setup.

  • Check Your Internet Connection

Now, check the internet connection. The Ethernet cable that is being used to connect the extender and router should be in good condition. If you have connected them using a wireless mode, then reduce the distance between them. The extender and the router should be able to communicate smoothly. It is recommended that you place both devices in the same room while you are setting up the Linksys range extender. Whatever mode you have used to connect the devices, make sure that the connection between them is solid. Apart from this, you need to check with your ISP if everything is fine with the internet connection from his end.

  • Use Correct Login Details

Are you using the correct web address or default IP address and correct password to access the Linksys WiFi extender login page? If you have made typing errors while entering any of these data into their respective fields then this is the reason why you failed in executing the setup process. We want you to check the web address/IP address thoroughly after typing it. It should be free of typos. We also want you to avoid using the search bar of the browser to enter the web address. Use only the URL bar.

Also, when you have to input the login password, check that the Caps Lock key on the keyboard is disabled. The reason being, the password is case-sensitive.

  • Update Device

Another reason for failing in completing the Linksys range extender setup process is because you have used a device that is running on an outdated software version. It is important that you use an updated device to set up your Linksys extender. What we want you to do now is update the operating system of your PC that you are using.

  • Use Updated Browser

If you have updated the OS of the PC but are using the web browser which is outdated then also the process may be halted. So, use an updated browser now and see if you can set up your device. Apart from this, you should make your browser clear of cache, cookies, and browsing history to have a smooth experience while setting up the extender. This is for your general information that the solutions listed here will work for any extender model whether you want to do Linksys RE6300 setup or install any other extender model.

The Closing Note

Right after you are done with making changes/amendments as given in this article, we are very sure that you will be able to complete the Linksys WiFi extender setup without any issues. When you have set up your device, relocate to a new place in your home where you want to have an extended network and access its WiFi on various devices. We also want you to update its firmware to have the best output from your device.