
Studying English in the Philippines: A Land of Language Schools

The Philippines has long been recognized as an excellent destination for learning English, thanks to its proficiency in the language, the warm hospitality of the Filipino people, and the country’s competitive cost of living. With its rich history of English education, the Philippines has emerged as a popular choice for international students seeking to improve their English skills. In this article, we will explore the various options for studying English in the Philippines, as well as the abundance of language schools available.

The English Language Landscape in the Philippines

English is widely spoken in the Philippines and is one of the country’s official languages, alongside Filipino. It was introduced during the American colonial period and has since become an essential part of the Philippine education system. This widespread use of English has led to the Philippines becoming a hub for English language learning, attracting students from across Asia and beyond.

The Abundance of Language Schools

There are over 500 language schools throughout the Philippines, which offer a diverse range of courses catering to different needs and preferences. These schools are primarily located in major cities such as Manila, Cebu, and Baguio, as well as in popular tourist destinations like Boracay and Palawan. Some of the most reputable language schools in the country include the International Academy Manila, Cebu Blue Ocean Academy, and Baguio English Schools Association (BESA).

Types of English Courses Offered

Language schools in the Philippines provide various English courses to cater to the unique requirements of each learner. Some of the most common types of courses include:

General English – This course aims to improve students’ overall English proficiency, focusing on all aspects of the language, including speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

Business English – This course is designed for professionals who need to improve their English skills for work-related purposes. It covers topics such as business correspondence, negotiations, presentations, and report writing.

Exam Preparation – These courses are tailored for students who plan to take English proficiency exams, such as TOEFL, IELTS, and TOEIC. They provide test-taking strategies, practice exams, and targeted lessons to help students achieve their desired scores.

English for Specific Purposes – These courses focus on the language skills needed for particular industries or fields, such as English for aviation, hospitality, or medicine.

English for Kids and Teens – These courses are designed for young learners, with age-appropriate lessons and activities to help them develop their English skills in a fun and engaging way.

Accommodation and Living Expenses

Language schools in the Philippines offer various accommodation options to suit the needs and budgets of their students. These options include on-campus dormitories, off-campus shared apartments, and homestays with local families. Homestays are an excellent way for students to immerse themselves in Filipino culture while practicing their English skills in a real-life setting.

The cost of living in the Philippines is generally lower than in many other countries, making it an attractive option for students on a budget. On average, students can expect to spend between $500 to $1,000 per month on accommodation, food, transportation, and other miscellaneous expenses, depending on their lifestyle and location.

Benefits of Studying English in the Philippines

High-quality education – Filipino teachers are known for their proficiency in English and their dedication to helping students achieve their language goals.

Cultural immersion – Studying English in the Philippines provides students with the opportunity to experience the country’s rich culture, warm hospitality, and diverse tourist attractions.

Affordable cost of living – The Philippines offers a low cost of living, making it an ideal destination for students on a budget.

Networking opportunities – With students coming from all over the world, studying English

in the Philippines offers the chance to make friends and establish connections with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures.

Job opportunities – English proficiency is highly valued by employers in the Philippines and around the world. Studying English in the country can open up a myriad of job opportunities in various industries, both locally and internationally.

Safe and welcoming environment – The Philippines is known for its friendly people and warm hospitality, which creates a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere for international students.

How to Choose the Right Language School

Selecting the right language school is crucial for a successful learning experience. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a language school in the Philippines:

Accreditation – Ensure that the language school is accredited by relevant organizations, such as the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) in the Philippines or other international accrediting bodies.

Course offerings – Look for schools that offer courses tailored to your specific needs and goals, whether it’s improving general English skills, preparing for an exam, or learning English for a specific purpose.

Location – Consider the school’s location and the surrounding environment. Some students may prefer the bustling city life of Manila, while others may opt for the more relaxed atmosphere of Cebu or Baguio.

Class size – Smaller class sizes generally allow for more personalized attention and support from teachers, which can be beneficial for language learning.

Facilities – Check if the school has well-equipped classrooms, modern learning materials, and other amenities such as computer labs, libraries, and recreational facilities.

Student reviews – Look for testimonials and reviews from past students to get a better understanding of the school’s teaching quality, atmosphere, and overall experience.


The Philippines offers an abundance of language schools and a supportive environment for 菲律賓遊學. With its high-quality education, affordable cost of living, and immersive cultural experiences, it is an ideal destination for students looking to improve their English skills. By considering factors such as accreditation, course offerings, location, class size, facilities, and student reviews, you can find the right 菲律賓語言學校 to help you achieve your language goals in this beautiful archipelago.