data science certification

Can a data science certification ensure a smooth and sustainable career in business management?

Data is what keeps humanity on the right path of progress. Data is what we generate in plenty while surfing the internet and performing day to day tasks. This huge amount of data if put to good use can show us the way to finesse. But the handling of these huge amounts of data requires adeptness and acumen to work with data. The increasing population of consumers around the world have been fueling the data dependency we saw booming after the lockdowns were imposed.  To stay up and running the commercial entities and public sectors resorted to the utilization of big data. This sudden change in mindset even gave rise to two very distinct roles, Business analyst and data analyst. A data science certification can kick start the journey of a management student towards data literacy and make it big with the help of data. This article will however concentrate on the question of certainty when it comes to pursuing a data science certification for achieving a better professional future.

Utilization of data in commerce

In the case of commerce, the use of data has become key to sustenance. The lockdowns forced a choice on the existing commercial entities. The very existence depended on this very choice of up-gradation or extinction. The ones with an open mind and good acumen of business chose to upgrade and become increasingly data-dependent. All kinds of data related to a population or region started to play important roles in all aspects of commerce. It was easier to understand the buying habits and purchasing power of a population thus pricing of a product became easier and easier. Direct feedback from the users or existing users of a similar product started influencing the decisions made on an engineer’s charts and designs. 

Precise marketing

Thanks to the efficient utilization of data modern commercial entities can observe the buying habits of their target consumer base. And based on investment and purchase choices made by them it became easy to identify the potential buyers who need a particular product. Thus advertisements were delivered to only the most relevant people thus making them more successful.

The ability to predict

The ability to make predictions is perhaps the most magnificent gift of data. Data analytics can be temporally divided into three main sections, descriptive analytics, predictive analytics and prescriptive analytics. During the first stage, analysts deal with unstructured data and arrange the same into something more workable.

During the predictive stage, analysts try to make sense of the structured data with the help of machine learning and analytics tools. Extracts and implications of the data are deciphered during this stage.

The next stage concerns prescribing the future actions of an organization. By the use of huge amounts of data and simulations, probable scenarios are predicted and potential actions are predetermined accordingly. 

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Business analytics and data analytics

A data science certification after a fairly long and fulfilling career in management can land excellent employment with high wages. Among such data related high paying roles business analysts and data analysts are the most popular.

A business analyst is expected to be a good manager and adept with all kinds of business data. The responsibility of a business analyst is to make sense of business data and give valuable inputs in many aspects of commerce. The inputs of a business analyst can affect marketing strategy, product up-gradation and even internal and external operations. Thus a business analyst is expected to have some kind of hands-on experience before joining an organization permanently.

On the other hand, a data analyst is expected to deal with all kinds of data, including population, geography and climate data. And they also can potentially influence many aspects of commerce. Thus also expected to possess some kind of work experience in an industrial setting.


The massive use of data in commerce and management related services indicate the importance of data literacy. Additionally, the present situation and data dependency are fueling the probability of sustained employment in the field. A data science certification alone is not enough in this regard. As the responsibilities bestowed upon a data analyst or a business analyst demand more adeptness. As the smallest errors made by important offices can ruin a business during the very beginning. It is perhaps wise to relocate to more relevant cities with a thriving data-dependent industry. Relocation in one such city can not only help in gaining experience but also in getting the first-ever job.

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