Photo Editing

12 Tips for Better Real Estate Photo Editing

Selling real estate is more than just putting individuals in possession of buildings; it’s also about facilitating the realisation of aspirational uses for those buildings.

The photographs in the listings and adverts are usually the first thing prospective buyers see; therefore, the photographs significantly impact the buyer’s final selection. 

  1. Retouch the colours

One of the most fundamental and necessary aspects of real estate photo editing is colour correction. Lightroom and Photoshop are both capable of performing colour corrections. Lightroom, though, makes the process much more streamlined and rapid. To make global colour adjustments using the eyedropper, click on a spot that isn’t too bright or dark. A photo’s saturation, colour, and tint settings may need to be tweaked to make the object look lifelike.

  1. Make the lines straight

Careful line drawing is required while filming real estate. These must be free of any bending or crookedness. You must pay attention to the lines and shoot them correctly, whether inside or outside. They can, however, be edited after they have been shot. Photoshop’s Free Transform tool can be used to straighten out crooked lines. You’ll need to make a selection of the full image and then drag the corner of the image away from where the lines are leaning.

  1. Use cloning

You may easily remove distracting elements from your photo using Photoshop’s clone stamp tool. Select the area you want to clone and click the clone stamp tool. The unwanted item can then be concealed by cloning and painting over it.

Tweak for better understanding. Just shift the clarity slider to the right to enhance the photo in Lightroom. Increasing the blacks alongside the clarity is a good idea if you want to give the image more depth and crispness.

  1. HDR

Many real estate photographers use high dynamic range (HDR) to capture a broader range of tonalities in their shots. Taking many exposures of the same subject at different exposure settings is necessary for HDR photography. Then you need to combine the images into a single composite to see its full range of tones.

  1. Curves

One of Photoshop’s most useful features is the Curves dialogue. You can use it to adjust colours and make them look better. However, it is a powerful tool, and mastering all of its features may be difficult.

  1. Modifying Hue and Saturation

Adobe Photoshop also has hue and saturation filters, which can be very useful. Also, like Curves, this can be used to adjust colours. You can use the Hue and Saturation controls to emphasise the greenery in landscape and outdoor shots.

  1. Use Composites

The composite method is a clever way to combine photographs into one coherent picture. This is useful in the real estate industry when combining photographs, such as fusing a flash photograph with an ambient shot. This is a common technique for photos where the photographer is utilising a handheld flash.

  1. Edit in Batches

You can save time by editing multiple images at once in Lightroom if they all need the same adjustments. You can save time by making all the necessary tweaks at once. Make all your edits to a single image, and then apply the same settings to the remainder.

  1. Don’t Force Anything

The most crucial tip for retouching real estate images is to avoid making them look too staged; therefore, strive for a more natural appearance. Photos of a house for sale must appeal to potential buyers if the broker is to make a sale. When editing photos, always err on the side of natural. You can also use real estate photo editing services to get the best edits. 

  1. Change Perspective

We may adjust the camera’s position and get a new perspective with this tool. Changing the viewpoint of a shot even a little is a powerful effect, making this a handy tool. This can be used to repair damaged lenses too.

  1. Remove Unwanted Objects

Using this tool, our photographs now look much more polished. It allows you to eliminate any extraneous content from the frame. In addition, this greatly enhances the impact of the picture. In addition to the things, the photographer couldn’t help including, you can also erase any undesirable wall art. Adding this last touch to your real estate photographs is crucial during the editing process. If you find it tough to use photoshop or other editing software, you should use photo editing services.

  1. Swap out the Clouds

Beautiful skylines and cloudscapes are a common sight in real estate photos. The magnificent sky is what makes this place so special. In most cases, the sky is snatched from a different photograph and superimposed onto the real estate shot. This adds a surreal quality to the pictures, making them much more appealing. So, if you’re trying to create some captivating pictures for your real estate marketing, try switching out the sky.


Real estate photographs can make or break a sale. Editing requires time and skills. If you are a beginner, keep at it until you figure it out. Follow the tips in this article to get better at the art of editing.